Design & Artwork

Styleguide creation

We visualise ideas

Vom Styleguide zur markenidentiät

The style guide is a fundamental guide for the design of a brand - visual appearance elements are defined in it to determine the common thread in the brand design.

These guidelines ensure a uniform appearance of your communication media and packaging and are an indispensable standard within the scope of design projects. We understand this important point as a principle of our work and are happy to accompany you in the development of your style guide.

On request we can design a Corporate Design Manual in brand design, which includes fundamental design elements. These include details such as logos, colour concepts, motifs or images and various typographies, which we define as design guidelines.
These in turn serve as a reference for all future content designs in your Brand communication. Further packaging developments can be easily realised and the story of your brand can be told.

Your brand and packaging

Perfectly translated by us into pictures and words.

The corporate design is the entire creative appearance - the business card of a company and a brand.

The style guide for a brand is basically intended to provide pragmatic and targeted assistance in solving various design tasks. The aim is, of course, to provide a guideline for a standardised brand image, but there is enough room for manoeuvre to be able to act accordingly in individual cases or in practice.

Nowadays, mockups and 3D packshots are also increasingly finding their place in a brand's style guide. With these modern visualisations, concrete best-practice examples can be presented that lead to a much better understanding.

  • Uniformity and consistency
  • Clear brand communication
  • Recognition effect & memorisation by customers
Basic elements
  • Logo und Logoverwendung
  • Typografie bzw. Schriftarten für verschiedene Kommunikationskanäle, sowie Schriftgrößen, Zeilenabstände und Absatzformate
  • Primär- und Sekundärfarben inklusive der genauen Farbcodes (zum Beispiel RGB, CMYK oder Pantone)
  • Definition von „Dos und Don’ts“
Design elements
  • Bildsprache bzw. die Definition von Bildstilen und -themen (Art der Fotos, Illustrationen oder Grafiken)
  • Icons, Piktogramme und grafische Elemente

Sie suchen eine erfahrene Designagentur für die Konzeption und Erstellung Ihres Styleguides? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig! 

Design & artwork services

What we mean by this

Style guide

3D/ CGI Visuals



and much more.