Design & Artwork

Packaging dummy

Haptic pattern "to touch"

Product development from A to Z

We offer you the opportunity to launch your products even before the actual market launch, as a true-colour mock-ups in your hands. With the dummy packaging, you are one step closer to your final product and can use the simulated packaging for various applications, such as for market research purposes, trade fairs, presentations and photo shoots.

Alternatively, of course, to use the Packaging design and to check the packaging itself. An upstream step to identify possible discrepancies or sources of error and correct them before actual printing or production - an extraordinary advantage to perfect the product or packaging design for your brand and your customer without great effort.

Based on the final print data, your packaging is created as a haptic and realistic Original packaging dummy produced. To get as close as possible to the actual packaging, you can choose from various processing options and a wide range of substrates - whether labels, film, paper or folding cartons. In terms of colour, we guarantee optimally finished image motifs for beautiful, high-quality, digitally printed dummy packaging.

Verpackungsdummy nach Mass

ProduktVisualisierung in digitaler und haptischer Form


From your first idea...

Als Experten im Bereich "packaging design" und Flexodruck, wissen wir die kundenspezifischen Anforderungen einer Marke zu verstehen und die Wünsche mit den druckspezifischen Parametern zu vereinen. Bereits in der Kreativphase beraten, begleiten und realisieren wir gerne Ihre Ideen in ansprechende und einzigartige Verpackungsdesigns.


über den digitalen 3D Packshot…

Based on the design or print data, we create the digital product for you as a perfectly finished 3D model. Photorealistic in size, colour and substrate, you can view your product in 360° and use it for a wide variety of marketing purposes and product marketing.


bis zur haptischen Dummyverpackung.

Anschließend erstellen wir die Dummyverpackung als greif- und erlebbares Handmuster. Vor allem in der Entwicklungsphase ist es eine vorteilhafte Strategie, um maßstabgetreue Nachbildungen und individuelle Produktmodelle auf ein exaktes und nach den Vorgaben entsprechendes Erscheinungsbild zu prüfen.